People tell each other about products, services, and Web sites. Companies save substantial advertising costs by using the so-called ‘word-of-mouth’ marketing phenomenon. Viral marketing is the most delinquent trend in online marketing tools, also known as “pass-along,” “friend-tell-a-friend,” and “evangelism” marketing.

Gaming is not just fun. Viral marketing uses promotional efforts to attract visitors to an online website. They pass on a marketing message about a product and offer an incentive. You can choose from a free product or a coupon for a discount. Games are a wonderful way to get people excited about a product. They are also powerful viral products that can be used to generate traffic, train, and educate.

These viral marketing games are rapidly gaining popularity. These online contests offer users the chance to win a prize by playing a game with a free product. The user will be redirected to your site after the game is over. This allows for a steady stream of traffic to your site and encourages repeat visits. These are the goals of viral marketing.

Many viral games have won awards. Millions have played original and addictive games, significantly increasing brand awareness and customer acquisition. The Simpsons games, made for the new Simpsons movie, and Extreme Pamplona (a game made specifically for Rexona), are good examples.MTV will spend millions on online games to promote its brand. These campaigns show that viral does not just apply to entertainment brands or games for teens and adults. Many big brands are popping up on the Internet, including Levi Strauss, Fox Television, and traditional warhorses like Sports Illustrated, Lucky, and Sports Illustrated.

Viral advertising is booming on the Internet. It’s 2007, and viral marketing is still viral. Internet users don’t find it easy to be impressed by any video, game, or contest. There have existed considerable technological advances since the invention of the first games on computers. Online games have changed as technology has improved.

New games appear on the viral market every day. These games are unrestricted for all age groups and meet all consumer needs. Targeting any demographic is possible – parents, teachers, primetime TV viewers, urban dwellers, rural folk, and even dads. You can find just about any game: action, arcade, board & cards, classic games. Fighting games. Puzzle & word games. Shooting games. Sports games. Strategy games.

Many of us who use computers for different purposes would agree that playing games were our first reason for being attracted to them. Nearly everyone will admit that their first contact with computers was playing games on them. Even though millions of people now sit at computers, most of them acknowledge that they still enjoy long gaming sessions on computers.

High-speed Internet connections have made downloading games faster and easier. A flash game is a more enjoyable experience than any other. What is one of the most lucrative niches on the Internet growing every hour.

Online Gaming!

It is home to a large number of male teenagers as well as older males who have sizeable disposable income. Many high-profile female gamers and teams receive more attention than the millions of male gamers.

According to industry experts, the global gaming industry generates $25 billion annually in sales revenue.

Millions of people play online games at any time of day or night. These people spend half of their time online, surfing the Internet, participating in forums, and purchasing goods online. Online Multiplayer Gaming is the key to this lucrative market’s growth.

There have been many high-profile tournaments in recent years. “LENS” (Local Area Networks) has offered cash prizes of up to $120,000 to the winners. These tournaments will be televised around the globe this year.

This shows the potential of internet marketers to target this market. It’s not easy or commonplace, but I would have noticed opportunities and offers as a veteran gamer for ten years. In my future articles, I will discuss a variety of reasons why this is so. In recent years, online businesses have made great strides, with some significant developments.

Consider “Xfire,” which includes “Instant Messaging,” Voice Communication, and “Server browser” programs for gamers.

It was sold recently for $102 million. This was started by Dennis “Thresh” Fong, World Champion of Quake 1, and Mike Cassidy, former CEO of Direct Hit.

This program allows gamers all over the globe to search for servers for their favorite online games and, even more importantly, to talk with their fellow gamers.

You can search Xfire on Google to see its popularity, with more than 3,600,000. You can talk with a buddy while playing a game using a keyboard shortcut. You can also use voice communications to have multiple people talking simultaneously, even if they are playing different games.

This is impressive for a free program and makes its money by selling advertising space to companies to be displayed in its main window. It spread quickly through the world via word-of-mouth with very little advertising by Fong.

Imagine if you were able to compete with a program or product that pulled in 1% more hits from Google than Xfire customers. Imagine how much you could make if this program were sold for just $1

This industry is growing daily. Online gamers are willing to spend thousands on their computers, and a single graphics card can cost them $600.

With gaming consoles connected to the Internet, online gaming appeal increases every day. This is an excellent opportunity for a whole new generation of internet users. You can target them because they have the money.

Remember that new games are being released each day. You can’t just focus on one niche in this niche and reach an entire audience all around the globe. There are many other niches.

Chris Williams is an experienced gamer with over ten years of experience in online gaming. Niche marketing has been a crucial part of his online marketing success.